Mahal Carpet Iran

Late 19th Century

Carpets woven in “Mahal” have an unmistakable association with carpets woven in Sultanabad. However Mahal carpets were woven in the city of Mahallat, also known as Mahallat-e Bala or Mahallat Bala, 146km distant from Sultanabad, mordern Arak. While both cities produce carpets that are similar in design and structure Mahal carpets tend to be more subdued in character. The Anglo-Suisse firm Ziegler and Company set up looms in both places in the 1880’’s and began a lucrative export enterprise incorporating quality local materials, designers, and expertise. The present example demonstrates a somewhat complex amalgamation of the Mina Khani and Herati designs on a very fine compacted weave.


Indo – Tabriz Carpet – India – circa 1920


Heriz Carpet – Iran – Circa 1920