Exceptionally Fine Turkish Feshâne Carpet

Late 19th Century

280 x 350 cm

High quality carpets were produced for the Ottoman Court in both Hereke and Feshâni in the second half of the 19th century. In Defterdar near Eyüp in Istanbul, a building constructed by Sultan Mahmut II for the making of Feze’s, the traditional Turkish men’s head gear, was converted to the production of fine carpets. Carpets for the Dolmabahçe Palace were produced in both Hereke and Feshâni. Few of the latter still exist and the present example displays a high density knot count and an exquisite rococo rendition of a Persian influenced design of elaborate meandering scrolling vinery and split-arabesques, a trefoil inner border, and a white field pseudo Shah Abassi or Mina Khani main border with meandering scrolls .

This carpet was undoubtedly meticulously drawn out in a cartoon before weaving and employs sumptuous hand spun wools on a cotton foundation.


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